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Pediatric Education Development Society International - PEDSI Global Health is an IRS 501(c)(3) tax exempt non-profit organization formed in USA comprised of physicians, nurses and other volunteers who are committed to addressing global health inequities through advocacy, fundraising & social empowerment in USA, Bangladesh and in developing countries. 

PEDSI has established the 1st and only American Heart Association International Training Center in Bangladesh for Basic Life Support and Pediatric Advanced Life Support training for physicians and nurses.

PEDSI has partnered with Rotary Club to implement School Heath initiative â€œHealthy Kids = Healthy Community" with a goal to address nutritional and health maintenance to improve overall health and well being of school children all over rural Bangladesh.  

We are involved with American Academy of Pediatrics promoting Global Health programs to improve maternal and child health.

PEDSI recognized by Bangladesh RTV

“PEDSI Co-founders Interviewed“

Bangladesh news channel RTV interviewed Dr Maksud Chowdhury and Dr Waseem Hafeez about our work since 2012 to train Bangladeshi doctors in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation skills. We also discussed our School Health Initiative to improve healthy living in rural schools in Bangladesh.

Rohingya Camp Medical Provider Training

Basic Life Support (BLS) & Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP) Doctors, Nurses &  Midwives from Bangladesh and abroad working in the camps were given hands-on training with manikins and equipment for management of newborns after delivery and Basic Life Support (BLS)  life saving techniques.

After successful completion of the course the participants were given BLS Course Completion Card issued by the American Heart Association.

Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS)

Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) course sponsored by American Heart Association is an Instructor-led hands-on class format using simulated pediatric emergencies for systematic approach to pediatric assessment and treatment, cardiac arrhythmia management and team dynamics for effective resuscitation management. 

The goal of the PALS Course is to improve the quality of care tof seriously ill or injured children.​

After successful completion of the course the participants receive a PALS Course Completion Card issued by the American Heart Association.

Advanced Pediatric Life Support(APLS)

APLS: The Pediatric Emergency Medicine Course sponsored by the American Academy of Pediatrics(AAP) is a valuable resource for physicians. Pediatric emergencies are presented as case-based discussions, which makes for more interesting, real-life learning experience. 

After successful completion participants receive an APLS Course Completion Card issued by the American Academy of Pediatrics

Global Health Conference & Workshop
Lectures and small group workshop covering wide medical topics by experts in the field of Internal Medicine, Family Medicine, General Pediatrics, Pediatric ICU, Pediatric Emergency, Pediatric Hospital Medicine, Postpartum & Newborn Care. 

After successful completion participants will receive an CME Certificates

School Health Initiative

“Healthy Kids = Healthy Community “

PEDSI provides a comprehensive platform for school health assessment to identify, track, and address the health and wellbeing of children in the school community. Our team of experienced professionals have developed a set of tools and that are customized to the needs of each school. We provide assistance in addressing issues such as poverty, unhygienic home and school surroundings, malnutrition, and widespread prevalence of communicable diseases.

  • We published the 2nd edition of School Health Manual tailored to health needs in Bangladesh which will standardize the process of Health assessment by teachers in every school.

  • We held training program for teachers, students, administrators from 7 rural schools in Dhaka, Chittagong & Coxs Bazar 

  • All 7 schools were provided free School monitoring guideline manual, weighing machine, BP machine, eye exam chart etc.

We are partnering with Rotary clubs to implement this program in Bangladesh schools​

Equipment Donation Program

We donated essential equipment required for monitoring and stabilizing critical patients in different Medical Colleges in Bangladesh. The Resuscitation kit included: Defibrillators, AED, Ambu bags, pediatric BP machine, Laryngoscope, IntraOsseous(IO) needles, Nebulizers,  Thermometer, Pulse oximeter and PALS Manuals. 

Free Medical Clinic

PEDSI volunteers conducted medical clinics for children in underserved areas Philippines and provided free medical care & medications to large number of children from low income and indigenous population

Global Health Elective

Global health elective provides an opportunity for Pediatric Residents in the USA to experience first-hand the issues that face the global community. In 2017 , PEDSI arranged a 4-week global health elective to Bangladesh, in partnership with Apollo Hospital and International Center for Diarrheal Disease and Research (ICDDRB) and provided an excellent educational opportunities to Residents who are interested in careers that address international health disparities.

CPR Awareness & Patient Education

We initiated community outreach programs to students and parents in greater New York area.
The Family & Friends CPR Course teaches the lifesaving CPR and Choking skills.

We also presented sessions for Parents about Newborn care and Children with Autism. Adult  workshop was on Hypertension and Diabetes.

Residency workshop for IMG

PEDSI organized FREE workshop for IMG -International Medical Graduates and Medical students to help IMGs and medical students navigate the complex US residency system to maximize their chances of success in the residency application process. The workshop topics include: how to prepare for USMLE Steps, applying for a clinical Observership, assisting in research projects, Mock Residency interview and volunteering in medical missions. Participants are also given hands-on Basic Life Support Training and certificate. The program has guided many IMG's to successfully match into residency training programs.

Global Health Advocacy

At PEDSI, we are committed to helping improve the health and well-being of children and families around the world. Our work focuses on increasing access to essential health services, advocating for health equity, and promoting the use of evidence-based practices in global health. PEDSI President, Dr Maksud Chowdhury is selected to represent NY State at the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and collaborating with the American Academy of Pediatrics to advocate for international maternal, newborn & child health interventions.  

Covid -19 Response

          Be safe = Help others be safe
During the COVID-19 pandemic PEDSI was involved in addressing the health needs:

i. Medical clinic: PEDSI is supporting a non-profit Organization to provide medical expertise and funds to operate a Free COVID-19 / medical clinic in Chattogram, Bangladesh

ii. Remote Medical Conferences: In 2021 PEDSI hosted a 3-day Conference on Pediatrics webinar presented by leading physicians in USA & Bangladesh covering wide variety of topics in pediatrics to physicians in Bangladesh.

PEDSI also partnered with Planetary Health Alliance & Bangladesh Paedatrics Assn to offer remote lectures on relevant topics for physicians in Bangladesh.

iii. Donation: PEDSI supplped PPE, Hi-Flow Nasal canula & BiPAP machines, oxygen cylinders & concentrators and other equipment for health care workers.

iii. International Medical Graduates: We linked the NY & NJ Governors office with Foreign doctors to grant temporary License to provide medical care during the pandemic. PEDSI had trained them with BLS certificates which helped them to receive the emergency approval.

Feb 16

Gonoshasthya Hospital BLS course 

Feb 17

Dhaka Shishu Hospital PALS course 

Feb 18

PHA Global Summit 2024 PALS course 

Feb 19


PALS/BLS Instructor course 

Feb 20

PHA Global Summit 2024 PEDSI Pediatric International Conference 

Feb 22

Neonatal Critical Care Seminar

NRP Course 

Feb 24

Raozan Medical Camp

Feb 27

Chittagong Medical College Hospital

PALS course 

Feb 28

Dhaka Medical College Hospital

PALS course 


PEDSI Global Health

87-42 168th Street

Jamaica, NY 11432  

​Tel: +1-917-304-5934 â€‹



1. School Health Initiative: Preventive medical & dental care, free meals programs in rural Bangladesh

2, American Heart Association sponsored BLS and PALS hands-on training courses in USA & abroad

3. American Academy of Pediatrics 

sponsored Advanced Pediatric Life Support (APLS) CME program and

Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP) training course

4. Offer Residency application workshop to International Medical Grads to successfully match with Residency programs in USA

5. US Medical Subspecialist sharing  expertise with Bangladeshi counterparts

6. Family & Friends CPR in schools and the community in USA & abroad

7. Medical equipment donation program

8. Partner with Bangladesh Paediatric Association for educational activities

9. Free Medical clinics and preventive care education

10. Encourage our youth to participate in educational and humanitarian efforts


PEDSI Global Health is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt 

(ID 47-581714) non-profit organization registered in the United States.

Your donations are tax-exempt & Zakat compliant. It will support our programs to promote global health and medical training in USA, Bangladesh and other countries.
Funds donated to PEDSI will be used for:

o School Health program: “Healthy Kids make Healthy Community“ –  train school teachers for monitoring school health checkup, treatment of minor ailments, management & prevention of nutritional disorders, Dental, Hearing & Vision screening and depression screening

Healthcare education programs: Provide Advanced Life Support workshops to doctors and nurses in Bangladesh and the USA, Community CPR training and healthcare workshops focused on teen issues, nutrition, diabetes, and hypertension. purchase textbooks, manikins, equipment, resources for life-saving skills courses.

International Medical Graduates (IMG): enhance their prospects for success in the residency application process. They are provided with free American Heart Association Basic Life Support (BLS) training certificates.


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